Dr. Stavola Maurizio
Psychologist - Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist
EMDR / ACT / CFT / TMI psychotherapist
Family Mediator
Weissenburgerstr. 18 - 81667 Munich
089 74 86 22 03 - 0176 2111 4654
Psychotherapy is a psychological intervention aimed at the treatment and care of those different forms of mental distress which are significantly disabling for the person, in the sense that they can significantly hinder their social, interpersonal, work-related and emotional functioning.
The inconveniences can be transitory (passing) or chronic (long-lasting), selective (i.e. compromising some area of the person's life, such as work) or pervasive (i.e. involving many or all areas of life). When the discomfort, whatever the form and character with which it manifests itself, becomes so significant as to make living everyday life or part of it difficult and tiring, a psychotherapeutic intervention is implemented.
Unlike counseling and psychological support, it adopts more structured intervention strategies and techniques, aimed at the complex problematic condition of the individual and also defined after a careful diagnostic evaluation which identifies the global psychopathological picture (in its cognitive aspects, emotional, behavioral and interpersonal).
It should be specified that the objective of Psychotherapy includes all the objectives pursued with consultancy, support and the promotion of psychological well-being but, at the same time, it differs from it in that it requires more complex skills and in-depth interventions, suited to the specificity of the disorder to be treated. In fact, this intervention can only be conducted by a professional qualified for psychotherapy.
For further information on my psychotherapeutic orientation click here.
Family Mediation
The family mediator is a professional figure who, with specific training, manages a process for the reorganization of family relationships. Family mediation is based on the recognition of everyone's ability to break out of the defensive and/or aggressive pattern in which they have trapped themselves in order to understand the needs of the other and welcome them in harmony with their own. And it is on this potential of the human being that it is based for the management of situations in which the parties are unable to independently activate their natural mediation capabilities, precisely due to the level of escalation to which the conflict has reached.
This path exploits the positive potential of the conflict condition: the conflict is not static but is an unexpected and dynamic phenomenon in which parents, couples, the parties to the conflict move from one position to another, from a weak position to a strong, and they become more calm, sincere, confident, eloquent and resolute, they move from weakness to strength (empowerment), from egocentrism to understanding others (recognition); the emotional crisis could transform from a catastrophic failure to an opportunity for personal growth and evolution.
The mediator, equal and third to the parties, reflects the suffering of the parties involved in the dispute to allow a change in their relationship, he understands them but does not replace them. He, by empathically listening to the parties and encouraging their mutual empathic listening, ensures that the sufferings of each are not evaded, but that they are helped to face them without being censored and judged, nor will he attempt to provide particular interpretations of their experiences and behaviors.

Psychological counseling
Psychological consultancy aims to help the person discover the strategies best suited to their situation to promote change and full self-fulfillment.
The consultancy interviews aim to understand and define the problem and, at the same time, to identify the individual's resources to resolve their problems. The main aim is to make him increasingly autonomous in managing difficulties by leveraging the discovery and strengthening of his personal skills.
The attention is paid not to a real pathology, but to situations of generalized discomfort and non-specific problems (phases of planning disorientation, difficulty making decisions, periods of stress due to arguments with one's partner, etc.) which they can appear in life and that the person, momentarily, is not able to understand their nature and solution. Depending on the case and the discomfort reported, the consultation also serves to establish the possible referral to other specialists or the start of a psychotherapy process.
Psychological support
Psychological support is aimed at supporting the person who is experiencing a critical phase in his life, whose discomfort does not manifest itself with relevant symptoms or with a clinical picture such as to require psychotherapeutic and/or psychopharmacological intervention.
Existential crises are normal experiences, they can affect everyone and can manifest themselves with stressful periods due to important changes in one's life: loss of a loved one, end of a romantic relationship, dismissal, change of residence, parenthood, illness, etc.
These experiences can have an important impact on a person's psycho-physical balance with emotional and relational repercussions. The person can enter a state of crisis, going round and round about his suffering without coming to terms with it and remaining in a stalemate situation.
Through psychological support interviews, the person is helped to find more functional ways of managing his difficulties, developing and strengthening the resources he already possesses, but which are suffocated by worries and contingent stressful events. Psychological support is also aimed at improving the person's self-esteem and transforming attitudes of passivity into proactive and more decisive behaviour.
Promotion of well-being
Interventions to promote psychological well-being are aimed at improving the individual's levels of awareness of his socio-emotional functioning and strengthening specific personal resources in order to optimize his adaptation to daily demands and pressures.
Unlike a path of psychotherapy and psychological support, the promotion of well-being does not only intervene on well-defined pathological conditions or periods of existential crisis, but rather opens up to an approach of preventing the discomfort itself.
For this reason, one of its objectives may be to increase the individual's social, communication or emotional regulation skills without the presence of significant psychological suffering.
Some examples of interventions to promote psychological well-being are assertive training (aimed at promoting an assertive and less passive/aggressive communication style), social skills training (aimed at strengthening various socio-emotional skills), stress reduction training and progressive muscle relaxation (aimed at controlling the stressors of daily life and the reaction to them).